What does Ayurveda mean?

The language of Ayurveda is Sanskrit which is the ancient language of India. Ayuh in Sanskrit means life and veda means knowledge put together it means The Knowledge of Life. You will also see the Ayurveda translated as The Science of Life the word knowledge is more encompassing than the word science. Science is not concerned with the quality emotions and thoughts whereas Ayurveda is very much concerned with emotions and thoughts as well as science..Ayurveda is a medical science and its purpose is to heal and to maintain the quality and longevity of life. It is the art of daily living which is practical philosophical and spiritual. Ayurveda offers a profound understanding of each persons unique body mind and consciousness which is the foundation of health and happiness..Ayurvedic knowledge and practices have been passed down verbally in the form of poetry from one healer to the next for thousands of years and were finally put in written form over 5 000 years ago.